Monday, February 4, 2013

Poop.... need I say more....

I wasn't going to post another entry today but I feel like I had no choice.I also feel guilty about not posting anything yesterday so I must overcompensate. By now you are probably saying to yourself " What does this have to do with poop?" Let me explain.

My 11 week old son Noah has been having a rough time going poop. I guess the transition from breastmilk to formula has a lot to do with it. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Now I do know it is normal for babies to not poop as much as when they are first born. The problem is he is trying to go and nothing but screaming happens. The type of scream that makes you want to run and hide. The scream of someone about to be murdered. Needless to say I called the doctor and they suggested a teaspoon of juice per ounce of formula. So I tried it and voila! Poop! Yay! Right? Not so much.....

Last night Noah was starting to struggle again. So a light went off. (Not like at the Super Dome) He hasn't pooped in almost 48 hours and the screams are starting. Lets put prune juice in his bottle. He will poop in the morning and life will be good. Not so much. This morning came and Alyssa was feeding him before we left to go to Stassi's. Since it is so beautiful out we are going to walk. I figured we would feed him before we go so we wouldn't have to worry about it then. Well while he was eating Noah farted. It was the type of fart you know is wet. Since he didn't have a lot of his bottle left so she continued to feed him. After marinating in the stench for a few, Alyssa noticed a brown stain on the side of Noah's clothes. I figured now is a good time to change him. I bring him in my room to change him. No big deal right? Wrong!!! As I am unsnapping his outfit I notice that the little brown stain has now morphed into a poop explosion!!! It was like he wasn't wearing a diaper at all. Poop all up his back. Now I have to try and pull his outfit over his head without the poop river getting on his head. No such luck.... there is poop all over this kid. Straight into the bath. But first we have to wrestle the really poopy diaper. After 88 baby wipes mission complete.

Poor Noah..... Poop everywhere. In his ears. On his head. Back was completely covered. Needless to say I don't think this kid has been cleaner. And we were able to go to Stassi's and enjoy our chicken cutlet sandwiches poop free. Good thing we didn't leave the house any sooner.......

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