Wednesday, February 6, 2013


So today my life returned to normal. I didn't have any company or visitors. It was business as usual. Mason woke me up before my alarm which really pisses me off. And its not early like "hours" more like minutes. You really can't let me sleep the 20 minutes before my alarm goes off??? And to add insult to injury, Noah was still sleeping!!! Oh well, its hard to be mad at him because he is so cute.

The morning is slow moving. No one is in a real hurry to get ready. Breakfast. check. Mason getting dressed. Sorta check. He gets distracted easily. So many angry birds around. So after about 30 minutes of yelling across the house that he needs to get dressed, it finally happens. I go and check and all is well until I turn to leave Mason's room and he yells for me to watch out. I am now looking at him like he is crazy. Watch out for what??? He then proceeds to tell me how I almost stepped in dog poop. Yes, dog poop. Lucky decides that after I let him out to go potty that he will hold it until he comes back in the house. Add insult to injury, I am out of paper towels. So I clean that up, carefully mind you, with toilet paper. At least he peed outside. In the crate goes the dog.

Now I get dressed, feed Noah, and make sure Mason brushed his teeth. Now we are able to go. I drop Mason off at school. On the way home I decide that I need to go to Publix. I am feeling a little ballsy considering I don't have the diaper bag. I get Noah out of the car and now I am cursing the car seat. Why does it not have the notches to fit in the shopping cart? Needless to say I had to put him in the actual cart and proceeded to bury him in groceries. I am assuming it is frowned upon to bury your kid. A little old lady asked me if there was really a baby in the cart. I just looked at her and said " Nah I just like to shop with an empty baby seat in my cart. Of course there is a baby in there but don't worry, he is fine. I made sure there was a hole in the grocery mountain for him to breathe." By the look on her face it is definitely frowned upon. Call and bitch at Chicco for making a dumb car seat.

Homeward bound. Everything is good until I start bringing the groceries in. Lucky is whining to go out, Noah is crying because he is hungry and because he can't see me. That's his new thing. If he can't see me he cries. I rush and put the cold stuff away, let the dog out and feed the baby. I am going to try to put the rest of the groceries away. I lay Noah down. He looks like he is asleep. Cool. I get into the kitchen and the screaming starts. He went from the bassinet, to the swing, to the stroller, and then to his play mat. No such luck. I have to hold him. I finally get him to sleep and the groceries get put away. 3 hours later.

Abdul gets home so I am relieved of baby duty. I leave to pick up Mason. He had a good day at school. YAY!! (This is another story) Cooked dinner, ate, went to Walmart,and went tanning. Mason and Noah are bathed. Mason goes to bed and Abdul feeds Noah. Noah eats a 5 1/2 oz. bottle all at once! He usually doesn't eat that all at once. He likes to graze throughout the day.But now he his wide awake. Abdul goes to bed and I stay up with Noah. He is a little whiny but finally he goes to bed. So instead of sleeping here I write. 12:24 a.m.  But now its time for bed. Sweet dreams everyone :)